The Relation of Maternal Factors to the Severity of Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Document Type : Original Article


1 Mansoura university hospital, faculty of medicine

2 Obstetric & Gynecology departmen, Mansoura university hospitals, Faculty of medicine

3 Obstetric & Gynecology department, Mansoura university hospitals, Faculty of medicine

4 Obstetrics & gynecology department, Faculty of medicine, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt


Objective: To assess the relation of maternal factors to the severity of hyperemesis gravidarum.
Study design: Cross-sectional study.
Setting: Mansoura University Hospitals.
Patients and Methods: 120 pregnant women with an intrauterine viable singleton pregnancy of less than 16 weeks’ gestation complaining of vomiting with pregnancy.
Results: 33 (65.34%) patients were primigravida, 36 (30%) patients were nullipara, 33 (27.5%) patients were primipara,, 48 (40%) patients had BMI <18 , 31 (25.83%) patients had past history of hyperemesis gravidarum , 24 (20%) patients had dysmenorrhea, 16 (13.33%) patients had family history of HG. These maternal factors were significantly higher in Severe HG group than moderate HG group (P value<0.05). 20 patients (16.67%) patients were passive smokers and it was insignificantly different between severe and moderate groups. Hospital stay ranged from 7 to 14 days with a mean value 9.09 ±2.13 days in severe group and ranged from 2 to 5 days with a mean value 3.14 ±1.14 days in moderate group. Hospital stay was significantly prolonged in severe group than moderate group (P value<0.05). Termination of pregnancy occurred in 1 (3.13%) patient in severe group and in 0(0%) patients in moderate group. Termination of pregnancy was insignificantly different between both groups (P value>0.05).
Conclusions: Frequency of vomiting and PUQE score were significantly higher in age group (16-25 y), BMI group (<18), parity (0 and 1), in patients with past history of HG , dysmenorrhea and family history of HG (P value <0.05). ketonuria was significantly higher in age group (16-25 y), BMI group (<18), parity (0 and 1) and in patients with past history of HG (P value <0.05). Ketonuria was insignificantly different in patients with passive smoking.


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